Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Notes from the January 17th Relay Committee Meeting

Juptier Relay Kickoff is Tuesday January 24th!!

All Night At The Movies - "STARRING A HOPE FOR A CURE"

Alisa Miller started the meeting by introducing the new committee members - Laura Doherty, Danielle Merola, Stephanie Reilly are the new Activity Committee members.

Then the meeting transitioned to discussion and preperation for the January 24th Kickoff. We are using a system by Evite to send out evites - please feel free to forward your invites to anyone you want to invite as well.

We want to make sure and have 30+ teams registered by the evening of the Kickoff. You can either sign-up online at www.acsevents.org/relay/jupiter or at the Kickoff meeting.

We have 13 paid teams and the following 26 teams have committed:
Jupiter Medical Center - Wellness and Rehab Services
Hope Floats
Alison Kuipers
Dywers Finest
Enterprise National Bank
Jupiter Medical Center - Cancer Center
NeoTorrie (Dwyer High)
Laura Doherty (Dywer High)
Miracle Workers (Dywer High)
Jupiter High ROTC
Jupiter High Culinary Faculty
Pam Cameron
Jupiter First Church Preschool
Interact Club
HOSA - Bitsy Walsh
HOSA - Kelsey Baird
HOSA - Alexa Orourke
HOSA - Brittney Human
HOSA - Casey Gaston
HOSA - Warriors for the Cure
HOSA - Ashley Reddin
JHS Math Teachers - memory
Jupiter Fitness
Christina Ezzo
Jupiter Medical Group - Mixed Nuts

We have a number of other teams that are in various stages of forming a new team - so if you are interested Contact Karin Osburn - 561-366-0013 Ext 149

Wait to ya see the Sea Shell and Luminaria event.

Information about the Relay University training for new Team Captains will be available at the event.

Press Release Juptier Relay For Life

The American Cancer Society’ is looking for teams to take an active role in the Jupiter Relay For Life.

The Jupiter Relay For Life – Kickoff event will be held from 6:30 to 8:00pm on Tuesday January 24th at the Jupiter Civic Center in Carlin Park.

Old Teams – New Teams – bring your family and friends to learn about Relay For Life.

This year, more than 96,000 people in Florida will hear the words “You have cancer” and nearly half that number will die of the disease. Here is your chance to help reduce these numbers by getting involved with the American Cancer Society.

For more information about the American Cancer Society and Relay For Life call Karin Osburn – Community Service Representative for Jupiter @ 561 – 366-0013 extension 149

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Other Local Relay For Life Events

Jupiter Relay For Life
April 29th, 2006
Jupiter High School

Palm Beach Gardens Relay For Life
May 13th, 2006
Publix Safety Complex

The Village of North Palm Beach Relay For Life
May 6th, 2006

Tequesta Relay For Life
April 1, 2006

Team Update as of December 9, 2005

We have 13 Committed and Paid Teams!!!!
Thank you all!

We have about 20 Committed but not yet Paid Teams.
We are heading toward our goal of 60 teams.

Committed and Paid Teams
Each of these teams have received or will receive Early Bird Parrots to hang at their sites to show that they registered before December 9th

1. Cancer Crushers-Dwyer High—Ed Proenza
2. Eagle One—Jupiter Christian Middle
3. Eagle Two—Jupiter Christian High
4. Ocean 30 Marketing Group—David Abernathy
5. It’s Todd Miller Time—Alisa Miller
6. Gotta Have Faith—Tom Tardonia
7. Fountain of Youth—Mary Kay—Patricia Persante
8. Team Ree—Laura Yahn
9. Gone with the Wind—Audrey Criado
10. Pretty in Pink—Lauren Book and Noelle Pruitt
11. Angels in the Outfield—Roshan Nagarsheth—Jupiter High
12. Olivia Persante and friends
13. Jupiter High School Baseball—Taylor Hilo

Committed but not yet Paid

1. Jupiter Medical Center Wellness & Rehab Services—Kristy Henderson
2. Hope Floats—Dwyer High—Magen Brabham
3. Allison Kuipers—Jupiter High
4. Dwyer’s Finest—Dwyer High—Jackie Schwartz
5. Enterprise National Bank
6. Jupiter Medical Center—Ann Marie Zaccagnino
7. NeoTorrie—Dwyer High—Dennis Egitto
8. Laura Doherty—Dwyer High
9. Jupiter Christian High School
10. Miracle Workers-Dwyer High—Sarah Morris
11. Jupiter High ROTC
12. Jupiter High Culinary Faculty
13. Pamela Cameron
14. Jupiter Lighthouse Elementary School—Sherry Tardonia
15. Several HOSA teams from Jupiter High School—Chrissy Fields

Thursday, December 08, 2005

November 29th Kickoff Team Meeting notes

2005 Cancer Survivors start the Relay

It was an enthuasistic kick-off team meeting for this years Jupiter Relay For Life! Diana Tardonia and Alisa Miler (our event co-chairs), introduced the rest of the Relay Committee members and invited others to join. The meeting started off with a quick history of the Relay For Life, a description of the all night event, and how important a role the teams and sponsors play in helping the American Cancer Society in the search for a cure to cancer.

The impact of Cancer is so significant it is hard to find anyone that has not had either themselves, thier family, friends or co-workers that have been impacted by cancer. It was no suprise that everyone in the room had been touched by the fight. As we do in most of our meetings we shared a video of others that are engaged in the fight against cancer.

Theme - This year's Jupiter Relay For Life theme is "A Night at the Movies ~ Staring The Cure"

Goals - Last years sucessful event numbers were shared followed by this years goals. We are off to a huge start and expect to double last years results! This years goals will be posted in a seperate entry and updated after each team meeting. The teams already signed up, the support from the local community with organizations like Papa Johns Pizza and Albertsons that provided pizza and beverages for our Kickoff event, and the event sponsors including: Enterprise National Bank, Jupiter Medical Center, and Keller Williams Realty - Ocean 30 Marketing group.

Relay Bucks - part of the fun of the participating is in the various activities and the Relay Bucks is one of the competitions that goes on between the teams to encourage participation and involvement by the participants of the event. A seperate entry will be posted with details on Relay Bucks...

The next Team meeting is the Official Kickoff on January 24th at the Jupiter Civic Center - 6:30 pm.

We look forward to meeting you and joining with you in the Fight For The Cure!

Sponsors and Team Development Information

Who Should You Call?

· If you have someone who would like to form a team or donate time but needs more information about Relay for Life and would like a formal presentation (a bank, real estate company, business office, etc.) , please call Chrissy Fields at home in the evening at 747-2942. She is the contact to arrange team presentations.

· If you have someone who needs any information about being a sponsor, please call David Abernathy, Sponsorship Chair, at 628-0128.

· New teams will be contacted within the first week of registering by Gina Immucci who will answer questions and be sure that you are off to a good start. After that, anyone on the Relay Committee and particularly the Team Development Committee is open for questions.


Team Meeting Dates 2005-2006

Go Teams!!

November 29, 2005 6:30
Early Bird Kickoff
Jupiter Community Center

January 24, 2006 6:30

Big Kickoff----wear purple!

February 28, 2006 6:30

Team Meeting----wear purple!

March 28, 2006 6:30

Team Meeting----wear purple!

April 10, 2006 TBA

Bank Night----wear purple!

April 18, 2006 6:30

Committee & Team Meeting
Plus Bank Night----wear purple!

April 28, 2006 6:00

Committee & Team Meeting
Plus Bank Night----wear purple!
On-site at JHS Field

April 29-30 2:00 pm - 8:00 am
Jupiter Relay for Life
Jupiter High School Field

Come and bring your interested friends!!

**Meeting location to be the Jupiter Community Center unless otherwise specified.

Committee Meeting Dates 2005-2006

Jupiter Relay for Life 2006
Relay Committee Meeting Dates

October 18, 2005 6:00
Team Development Meet.
Committee Meeting

November 8, 2005 6:30
Team Development Comm
P. Persante’s home

November 15, 2005 6:30
Committee Meeting
A. Miller’s home

December 12, 2005 6:30
Committee Meeting
Keller Williams' office

January 17, 2006 6:30
Committee Meeting

February 21, 2006 6:30
Committee Meeting

March 14, 2006 6:30
Committee Meeting

April 10, 2006 TBA
Bank Night

April 18, 2006 6:30
Committee & Team Meet.
Plus Bank Night

April 28, 2006 6:00
Committee & Team Meet.
Plus Bank Night
On-site at JHS Field

April 29-30, 2006 2:00 pm - 8:00 am
Jupiter Relay for Life
Jupiter High School Field

**Meeting location to be the Jupiter Community Center unless otherwise specified.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

October 18th Committee Meeting

Great meeting - details to follow

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Welcome to the Jupiter Relay for Life Blog

2005 Cancer Survivors start the Relay

Tonight was the first planning committee meeting for the 2006 Jupiter Relay For Life!

Every one was enthused about the potential for the 2006 Jupiter Relay. There were a number of quick items discussed including;
How close we are to achieving pace-setter status for our event.

Introductions of everyone present including the 2 new Chairs for the event and you could feel the energy in the room from everyone as this year’s event was discussed.

2006 Co-Chairs in yellow

Everyone agreed that the Jupiter High School location was an excellent location and we would like to have the event there again this year.

The group discussed and had unanimous support for moving the event to a Saturday start with an early Sunday (sunrise) finish time. The general feeling was that this would help generate more community involvement.

The first Kick-off for last years teams will be set byAlisa & Diana (the 2 Chairs), Patricia (the Team Development Chair), and Karin (our ACS staff partner) and communicated. They will decide between an October or November date.

There was a dialogue about the need to start thinking about a Theme for this year’s event.

I will add a follow-up post with the attendees of the meeting to avoid the spelling errors that would otherwise occur J

We continue to look for other Volunteers that want to participate in the “Fabulous” 2006 Jupiter Relay For Life.