Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Welcome to the Jupiter Relay for Life Blog

2005 Cancer Survivors start the Relay

Tonight was the first planning committee meeting for the 2006 Jupiter Relay For Life!

Every one was enthused about the potential for the 2006 Jupiter Relay. There were a number of quick items discussed including;
How close we are to achieving pace-setter status for our event.

Introductions of everyone present including the 2 new Chairs for the event and you could feel the energy in the room from everyone as this year’s event was discussed.

2006 Co-Chairs in yellow

Everyone agreed that the Jupiter High School location was an excellent location and we would like to have the event there again this year.

The group discussed and had unanimous support for moving the event to a Saturday start with an early Sunday (sunrise) finish time. The general feeling was that this would help generate more community involvement.

The first Kick-off for last years teams will be set byAlisa & Diana (the 2 Chairs), Patricia (the Team Development Chair), and Karin (our ACS staff partner) and communicated. They will decide between an October or November date.

There was a dialogue about the need to start thinking about a Theme for this year’s event.

I will add a follow-up post with the attendees of the meeting to avoid the spelling errors that would otherwise occur J

We continue to look for other Volunteers that want to participate in the “Fabulous” 2006 Jupiter Relay For Life.